A Non-duality Ride In The Tardis
The Tardis is out of Dr Who (a famous British sci-fi series running since practically the year dot!). You may need to know that show to understand the Tardis and recognise the sound it makes. The first scene in India is a nod to my favourite joke in Monty Python’s Life of Brian — ‘Blessed are the Cheesemakers’ where they mention manufacturers of all dairy products. You also may need to have watched The Matrix to understand that scene. Nothing else needs to be understood because Non-duality can't be understood, nor is there such a thing as non-duality. I always loved Ramana and Nisargadatta — although it then seemed as if there was a person who could wake up — so different from wholeness simply appearing and no-one separate to wake up, or to die, or to become something, or to appear in some particular way, or loyal to an authority somewhere — no one's right or wrong, no goal.
“Brilliant! Thank you so much, what a great start to a new month. Love the videos. ‘This is doing my head in Boris’ had me laughing out loud with recognition. Loved the book too - really hope there’s another one coming.”