Still in CRETE with Andreas Müller
(part two)
Billy and Boris are still in Crete with Andreas Müller—this episode is a continuation from the previous episode (which needs to be watched first as this episode is a straight continuation!) A big thank you to Andreas Müller for giving me permission to have him appear in this episode as himself—well as his animated self! Since we are in Greece, this episode begins as a Greek tragedy—and the dilemma for the 'me' when it hears the uncompromising non-helpful non- message of non-duality. The end may not make sense unless you've watched the British series Dr Who, which is about a doctor, who time travels in what is called a Tardis, which is cleverly disguised as a British Police Box!
“Brilliant! Thank you so much, what a great start to a new month. Love the videos. ‘This is doing my head in Boris’ had me laughing out loud with recognition. Loved the book too - really hope there’s another one coming.”