The puzzle Of Non-Duality is solved


The end of seeking non-duality may turn out to be discovering the brains behind non-duality. I'd suggest seekers and presenters read up about the work these two people (see below) bring to the conversation of non-duality. I'm not saying they are correct . . . or their conclusions are definitive. But they bring vital new information to the table. And if it stops the endless round of seeking . . . . well . . . . .

This video follows up the last video called The End Of Non-Duality? Found here    • The End of Non-Duality?   The two people you might be interesting in learning about are 1. Odeh Turjman who wrote Living Without A Self and 2. Iain McGilchrist who presents the latest research about the two sides of the brain. A youtube video to check out is - We are living in a deluded world    • Dr Iain McGilchrist: We are living in...   and he has plenty of books too.

The best cartoons since Tom & Jerry or Adventure Time!! - aha, left brain/right brain conversations,
On point , never twain, oh don’t be started........

Well said Clare, absolutely bravo, brilliant...
Puzzle...solves , thank you!!!... No seriously, thank you... you’ll never know, how could I say?
— R.V. from YouTube comment

The End of Non-Duality


The Code Of Non-Duality Is Cracked