non-duality news network

fourth Broadcast

Nigel and Neville present the latest non-duality news. In this fourth broadcast they are joined by Roger the roving reporter. He visits one non-dual teacher who points to consciousness as divine… and then he visits another non-dualist presenter who presents nothing.

As someone who first read a book on Ramana at the age of 21 and then was highly involved in the Ramana lineage it came as a monstrous shock to discover that consciousness was creating the division and the sense of separation. How could that be? Ramana wrong? How taboo! Yet… how fresh… and now, how ridiculous to keep alive the fantasy and the romance of an enlightenment story that seemingly keeps the seeker looking for answers within consciousness. And how gloriously absurd to find stumps of wood for sale and yes it is just what's happening and no-one is choosing to buy the photographs on lumps of wood.

If there is an aim to these videos, it’s to joyfully and playfully highlight the difference in the various takes on non-duality.
— Nonduality Fun

third broadcast


fifth broadcast