Your last NON-DUALITY Meeting
No-one turns up to a non-duality meeting . . . there's only wholeness with no separation. Listening to a podcast of Sam Harris, there was a funny line mentioned about non-duality that seemed to suggest that one needs to become like a Buddha . . . as if becoming free of emotions and thoughts is a necessary requisite. This is the old paradigm of a promise to become something . . . when instead Non- duality doesn't recognise a you at all! Probably a better title would be Your First and Last Non-duality Meeting . . . . always freshness.
BTW There is a tiny bit extra after the credits!
There is no disparagement meant about Sam Harris at all! He is a great interviewer. There does seem to be a strange criticism of seekers in the non-duality world. There are no seekers. It's only the mind that creates those illusory separations. In truth there is only what's happening . . . . with no real separations anywhere and that's what these videos cover. Seeking happening is the same as seeking not happening . . . with no human in the picture at all! The podcast itself between Sam harris and Jim Newman is both illuminating and very entertaining and can be found here . . .
“Another brilliant, creative, potent & priceless illumination from the ineffable… thank you Ineffable🪷🙃💀🥰🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸💄💋🫂🫀”