The Non-Duality Concert


Non-Duality Official Music Video - Putting some party fun into non-duality! Four renditions of - It's Already This, nothing to fix! If you have a favourite song let me know.

The second song is hard core rap but keep listening for softer versions.

Lyrics -

This is a seeking song
have you had it all wrong
Going after samadhi
and sitting with a dopey-ji

Will you ever be One-ness?
Can you expand consciousness?
There are two streams of thought
Consciousness is all or maybe it’s nought

You’ve been told you need to find
But that only puts you in a bind
Cause there isn’t really a you
So there ain’t nothing to do

How can you get rid of a sense of me?
Do you need more meetings on non-duality?
If you aren’t already separate
There is no change to anticipate

This is it, just as it is
In a song or a glass of fizz
Appearance don’t give a shit
It’s everything it’s every bit

Stop seeking it’s in your brain
You can only seek in vain
Don’t fall for the carrots dangled
‘cause the teachings have been mangled

It’s in the mountains it’s in the troughs
But it’s not in them guru toffs
Its here , right here,
no need to set out
on a search that sends you all about

Non-duality, it’s free
But not for you and not for me
Non-duality, it’s the reality
It’s just there is no-one to see

Knowing sows duality
You won’t ever know reality
Just sing
’cause it’s no thing
Just sing ‘cause it’s everything

Its you and me just as it is
No need to be in a tizz
Don’t fall for the teaching con
No-one needs to become One
It’s already this
Nothing to fix

such a coOOoly-groOOovy BEAT - just LOVE it - BOOOOM - enjoyyyyyy! 💥💥💗💗💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉🥷🏼🥷🏼✅✅
— R.B. from YouTube comment

The Code Of Non-Duality Is Cracked


The Cosmic Joke Of Non-Duality