Radical Non-Duality versus Rupert Spira
This is a comedic rant on non-duality. Not something to get upset about. (I write this because this video seems to have inadvertently courted a bit of controversy). I was asked to comment on Rupert Spira. This is a somewhat cheeky rant, showing the mammoth difference between Non-duality with consciousness and a need to find a true self and the so called radical Non-duality where there is already no-one (anywhere), let alone a someone with an actual consciousness that needs to become realised. The Rupert Spira audio is from https://youtu.be/iqIglK1zvtc More animated videos (though none quite so ranty) like this are . . .
“Lovely video. I had exactly the same turnaround as you. For 20 years I have been passionately teaching the message of classical nonduality, with, of course, great emphasis on Awareness. Wrote books about it. When I came in touch with Jim Newman, Andreas, Tony and Kenneth Madden, everything completely collapsed.
It was seen that it had all been a teaching of ignorance. Without there being a someone being ignorant, of course. Just ignorance, owned by no one. Stopped all my meetings and retreats, just can’t get that story out of my mouth anymore.
Thanks for pointing out the difference between the apparent two versions of nonduality in such a light way.”