Funnily enough there are two takes on duality…
Awareness is the sublime bridge to Oneness - but requiring much activity from the seeker in the hope of finding and becoming something... preferably something wondrously grand and all-knowing... with much wisdom pouring from one’s mouth... and living in a blissful state where nothing will be bothersome ever again! Awareness is calling you home and you’re seeking home and this wondrous fairy tale of enlightenment seems so close but unbelievably it’s always just out of reach. Others need to know of this amazing pursuit so the whole world can wake up!
Awareness is a function. The function seems to create a duality where there is none. Nothing can be anything other than ‘what is’. No you even required! No-one gets or realises or becomes anything because this is wholeness already, as it is, and this includes wholeness appearing as the first version, with no ‘them’ or a ‘me’ to be found anywhere in the picture at all!